Architecture Designers Quincy MA - Pionarch LLC
If you search for architecture designers Quincy MA, you will find PionArch LLC, a proven local group of architecture design contractors. Our team of experts are experienced working with homeowners in Quincy MA and the surrounding towns.
Top-Rated Architecture Designers in Quincy MA
Stage 1 – Code Review and Feasibility
An architectural feasibility study considers all of the aspects of your proposed project. … Through an architectural feasibility study our clients can test the viability of the project before undertaking any real significant expense. The study attempts to answer the big questions early in the decision making process.
Three Reasons Behind a Feasibility Study
- The main reason is to find out what is possible and what is prohibitive. New buildings, commercial buildings changing its use, commercial building renovations, two to three story house conversation, additions, in-law apartments additions, second story additions ect.
- Also finding out if your lot/house/business is suitable for the programmed areas you are trying to put in.
- And finally the third reason is to find out if you need to contract with an architect to present in front of the boards.
The process will include:
- Zoning Ordinance compliance
- IBC code compliance
- Mass Code compliance
- IECC + Mass Energy Code+ stretch code compliance (if required)
- Historic preservation
- Conservation Land
- Flood Zone/ FEMA
- Proper applications
Stage 2 – Measurements of the entire house and existing conditions layout
Pionarch, LLC will go to the residence to record the existing observable conditions. Pionarch will NOT remove any finishes or architectural items, or in any way demolish anything to look for hidden conditions. Pionarch, LLC will conduct spatial vertical measurements to identify the overall heights of elements like windows, ceilings, and exterior siding, locate existing cabinetry, outlets, ceiling light fixtures, and note floor finishes. These existing, built elements within the house will be documented for use in the demolition drawings required for permitting.
Stage 3 – Schematic Design
Pionarch, LLC will proceed to create Schematic Layout floor plans that integrate the written program refined with further information you may develop. Under this phase, Pionarch, LLC will:
- Develop Schematic Floor Plan(s) indicating the location of all the rooms and spaces, and the relationship of the house enclosure. The schematic plan will show existing and proposed new wall thicknesses, existing and new doors, (general footprints at this stage), generic furniture shapes (to establish spatial relationships), and room names.
- Pionarch will place the footprint on a site plan that you will supply from your surveyor (if provided) so that property lines, setbacks, easements and conservation buffers are noted.
For Professional Architecture Designers in Quincy MA Call Pionarch LLC
If you are interested in learning more about leading architecture designers in Quincy MA, get in touch with PionArch today by calling 978-887-2900 or request an estimate online.
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